Mesecons Basics
Mesecons is a electronics mod for voxel game engine minetest, primarily aimed for use with default minetest game and it’s deriatives. Gameplay of this mod focuses mainly on creating contraptions that combine blocks interacting with game world, wires that transmit signals between them, and logic elements that can change signals.
Video Link to heading
Theory Link to heading
Mesecons add nodes, or in other words, blocks, that are divided into four main categories:
- Receptors make signals
- Effectors are doing something when they receive signals
- Conductors are relaying signals to connect receptors and effectors
- And logic elements are acting as both receptor and effector, and make signals based on received signals
Conductors Link to heading
Conductors are blocks that relay signals non-directinally.
Wires - four sides horizontally, can go one block up or down
Vertical wires - vertically, bottom and top parts become a platform that relays to the four sides horizontally
Mese blocks - six sides
Insulated wires (+crossing and corners) - two sides based on rotation (crossing acts like two separate Insulated wires in one block)
Receptors Link to heading
Receptors ouput signal based on their condition.
Power plant - always
Blinky plant - switches every three seconds
Switch and lever - switched by right click
Button - pressed by right click, but unpressed after some time
Solar panel - light detector
Water turbine - flowing water detector
Node (Block) detector
Effectors Link to heading
Receptors do action when they receive signal.
Lamp, lightstones - light up
Noteblock - makes sound based on what block is below
Piston - extends and pushes one block
Sticky Piston - can also retract block
Movestone - moves to a direction based on what side signal comes from
Sticky Movestone - can also take blocks from sticky sides with it (ALL blocks connected from sticky sides, not just one)
Command block - executes server command based on privelegies of person from placed it
Door - opens
Logic Link to heading
Logic elements are both receptors and effectors, their condition on being receptor is based on getting signal as effector. Basically, they change signals.
AND Gate - outputs only if it gets 2 signals
OR Gate - outputs if it gets at least 1 signal
NOT Gate - outputs only if it gets no signal
NAND Gate - does no output if it gets 2 signals
NOR Gate - does no output if it gets at least 1 signal
XOR Gate - outputs if gets only 1 signal out of 2
Lua Controller - lua programming language interpreter, four sides can act as inputs or outputs
FPGA - allows putting up to 14 logical primitives inside, four sides can act as inputs or outputs
Diode - only allows signal to be relayed in one direction
Practice Link to heading
Then, let us make a simple 3 by 3 door using movestones.
- First, place 3 by 3 blocks of choice. It will be the visible part of door.
Then, dig 3 by 7 hole underneath (7 being the depth), and some blocks to move around here
Place 3 by 3 sticky vertical movestones directly below door blocks.
Then, check which of wide sides of them will move movestones down and place 3 mese blocks (or other conductors) at that side of 3 bottom movestones
On the opposite side place 3 conductors one block deeper (image is wrong and shows opened door position)
Add NOT gate before side that moves up
Connect NOT gate and opposite side directly to the switch or another receptor of choice
Fill up additional holes (not 3 by 7 one), add walls and ceiling. Ceiling should have one block gap above door itself or it will be moved by movestones.
You can improve the design, for example by making pistons or ghoststones hide that gap, but generally, it works pretty well and fast. Also, you can scale the same mechanism infinitely, with drawback that it needs at least three times as much space as visible door part does, not counting mese lines and gaps.