Small updates

New model, second iteration Winter outfit Link to heading

This model is a pretty simple combination of base model, assets from old winter model, and wolf ears from halloween model, which I decided to keep for some time since I liked them. There are also some manual fixes made to model, but they will probably not be visible that much.

A picture of black haired blue eyed maid girl. Her maid headband combined with warm earmuffs and decorative wolf ears, and she is waving at you. Near her is text, saying “Laika”, then undeline, then list of “Tea brewing”, “Software” and “Wolf Ears”. Background is blue color with brighter blue grid.

Migration of social account Link to heading

I have moved Fediverse servers for microblogging account (PeerTube one stays the same), because while I liked my account Absturztaube’s akkoma (also known as FAB, or weird german name instance), it was expiriencing quite a lot of technical issues that prevented me from loading most of external posts, and also from seeing Home Timeline, where post of people I am following are shown.

New account is on more fresh server,, and since they are using the same software and have similar stance on moderation, migration was mostly effortless, though I still lost some followers due to how it works, which is part of why I am making this blogpost in the first place.

A screenshot of my new profile on It show my avatar, name Laika, handle @laika, that I have 3 posts, 4 follows, 20 followers, and my description: “Greetings! My name is Laika, I’m so called VTuber, a maid that makes open-source related videos on I prefer things to be neatly arranged and clean. I also like helping others out and drinking some nice warm tea.”. There is also some links to my blog and other accounts

New video design Link to heading

This is a lot more experimental and a lot of details will not be shared until fully implemented in next video, but I decided to make some fundamental changes to structure of my videos based on feedback I got, both publicly and privately. I plan on preserving positive elements and general direction, while providing a better watching expirience.

One of the things I am planning, is developing a more clean and meaningful rules for transitions in video, while also adding more variation to the shots. Below you can see something like a concept in a form of simple diagram.

A diagram showing a bunch of slides that are arranged horisontally and have an arrow between them. This is dubbed “Transition between slides”. Middle one has black square above and below it, with two arrows both pointing down. This is dubbed “Appearance of content on the slide” and  “Disappearance of content from the slide if required” respectively. Next slide has star inside of it and is dubbed “Animation inside of slide (may include appearance and dissapearance of elements)”. Last slide has square with rounded corners and is dubbed “Main transition (used sparingly)”